find the Rockynats nomination form below



TAKE NOTE - The "ROCKYNATS" are NOT our event. The Rockhampton Saloon Car Club only controls the "Speedway" portion of this event!


  • PLEASE NOTE – Once nominations have closed, a confirmation of ACCEPTED NOMINATION will be sent from the Secretary.


Please ensure you have this with you when presenting to the track on race day. It can be in printed form or digitally but will be a requirement for entry to the track


  • Pit crew are limited per driver.
  • Please list your pit crew name in the comments. (Local classes}




  • There are no “GATE TICKETS” available for spectators.
  • All of the ticketing is controlled by RockyNats.


You can purchase a night pass or a weekend pass directly from RockyNats. We understand that this isn’t how we would normally do things, BUT this isn’t our event; we are just part of it.


  • $0.00 to drivers for RockyNats tickets. $10.00 cover charge for the pits.
  • Full licences are required as per a normal race meeting, including pit licences.
  • The cover charge is the club fee for entrance, similar to a race night or practice. 
  • LS360 Sprint Cars
  • V8 Dirt Modifieds
  • Super Stockers – This will be capped at 20 cars. Nominations will open and will be offered to local drivers first
  • Production Sedans – this will be capped at 20 cars. Nominations will open and will be offered to local drivers first
  • AMCA Nationals – This will be capped at 20 cars and managed by AMCA Association.

Nominations close in:


Nominations close Sunday 7pm the 30th of March 2025

Racing Starts in:


If you have any questions or are having difficulties in completing this form, please call us on 0410 090 262
  for assistance.

Nomination Details

Driver's First Name
Driver's Last Name
please write ODL if you are planning on applying for a One Day Licence. Please note: drivers can only apply for 2 x ODL in any one season
Please enter which class/division you are nominating for. E.g. Juniors, Super Stockers, Street Stocks etc.
Please enter you club prefix and car number above.
Please enter the name of the club your car is registered with for the 2024-25 season.

Transponders can be hired for $15 at scrutineering. Cash only accepted

Scrutineering Agreement

All cars, drivers and passengers must attend scrutineering during the designated scrutineering time. Anyone who does not attend during the allocated time will be rear of field for all their heats – NO EXCEPTIONS. Please ensure you bring your license, logbook and safety gear including fire extinguishers with you. Passengers must also bring their license and safety gear. A parent or guardian must attend scrutineering if the driver is under the age of 18. The Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc executive committee has the right to refuse any nomination.

I Understand & Accept the Scrutineering and Nomination Conditions

Media Consent

I give authorisation for the Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc., promoters of the Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc, and its media personnel to use any photographs, video footage or sound recording, productions, presentations, or media. This includes all electronic media such as the internet, websites, and social networking sites.

Consent for use of Photographs/film/video etc. is hereby granted to the Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc., advertising and promotional agencies, and their agents (collectively), the irrevocable, unrestricted right to use, publish, display and distribute materials bearing my name, voice, likeness or any other identifiable representation of myself.

These materials may appear in any form, style, colour, or medium whatsoever now or hereafter known (including, without limitation, photographs, videotapes, films, sound recordings, software, drawings, prints, broadcast, internet, and electronic media).

I agree that all materials containing any identifiable representation of me (including, without limitation, all negatives, plates, and masters of any photographs, files, prints or tapes)shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of the Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc, and I hereby assign any proprietary right I may have acquired in or to such material to the Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc.

I hereby release and forever discharge the Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc. from any and all liability and damages relating to the use of my name, voice, likeness, or any other identifiable representation of me.

I hereby waive any right I may have to inspect or approve the finished materials or any part or element thereof that incorporates my name, voice, likeness, or any other identifiable representation of myself.

I have agreed to the above in consideration of the opportunity given to me by the Rockhampton Saloon Car Club Inc.. to appear in these materials.

I acknowledge that I have fully read and understand this document and that I have had any questions regarding its effect or the meaning of its terms answered to my satisfaction. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age.

I Understand & Accept the Media Release Conditions

Data Collection & Storage

Electronic Signature Agreement

If applicant is under the age of 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must countersign this form.

reCAPTCHA is required.


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Nominations Closed

Nominations for round FOUR of the 2024-25 Season are now CLOSED!

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